Sunday, April 29, 2018

I will help you explore career options or prep for a job search

I will help you explore career options or prep for a job search


I am a professional career consultant, working in this field for over 25 years. I can help you with any part of the this process. If you are not sure what it is you want to do or are good at, give me a call. That is a specialty area for me. If you have been struggling with the job search, contact me. I can help you figure out what to apply for, help you personalize your resume to the jobs you are targeting, help you with cover letters...the works. If you are not doing well in interviews, contact me. I can predict what questions you are likely to be asked based on the job description of the targeted job and give you the answers those questions. I can also help you figure out answers to any sticky questions you might face (like why you are not currently working, or have a lapse in your work history). Contact me! 







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