Sunday, April 29, 2018

I will provide you career advice and coaching

I will provide you career advice and coaching


Feeling stuck? Unsure about what you’re passionate about? Trying to switch careers but not sure where to go next?

I have helped many individuals from various backgrounds and experiences realize who they are, where they wish to go, and the next steps to make their dreams a reality.

It’s not my job to tell you what to DO; it’s my job to help you get where YOU want to go.

I will conduct a career coaching session on topics such as:

  • Divine Design and Biblical perspective on life and calling
  • Discovering your ideal career path
  • Effective resume writing
  • Career transitioning
  • Job search strategy
  • Personal Branding
  • Professional Networking
  • Interview techniques
  • Self-esteem and Confidence development

What you’ll receive in a coaching session:

  • Identify issues preventing you from reaching your goals.
  • Clarity on your overall career and life direction.
  • Feedback on specific and actionable steps you can take to stay on track.
  • An audio mp3 recording of the session (yours to keep) emailed for immediate replay.

Don't let fear, doubt or self-sabotage hold you back from reaching your full potential! 







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