Sunday, April 29, 2018

I will advise you toward achieving your goals

I will advise you toward achieving your goals


The initial fees for service is a deposit towards the performance based percentage for the next five years.  The fees are for preparation and collaboration efforts as it may be over a year before additional funds are received for any given campaign.  Our initial consultation introducing our campaign proposal process is always no cost or obligation.  Each phase of the process is concluded with a decision to commit to the next.  A $1,000.00 USD fee puts our firm on a one year non-refundable retainer for services.  Anytime within that year we can be scheduled for an operational assessment and personnel interview for an additional $1,000.00 USD.  Two to six weeks later, we schedule a campaign proposal, which if accepted costs a $2,000.00 USD fee.  At client's discretion we schedule campaign implementation and conduct adherence and performance checks thirty, ninety and one hundred and eighty days thereafter.  After which we charge the final initial fee of $1,000.00 USD.   All initial fees are advance deposits to a performance based 33% improvement of profitability per hour; comparing the next five years to the average of the previous three.







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