Monday, April 30, 2018

I will produce interview questions based on your personal statement

I will produce interview questions based on your personal statement



Have ever you been caught out by an interview question?
Have you ever frozen or been at a loss of what to say?

ou will receive interview questions and guidance on how to best answer them.
The Interview Questions & Advice cover for 4 main areas:

+ General - open interview questions such as 'Tell us about yourself' which may seem simple but have the power to make or break your interview.
+ Personality - 'Tell us about a time you worked in a team' these types of questions are to judge how well suited you will be to the company's culture and how well you would fit with those around you.
+ Experience - Certain traits and skills are needed to fulfil the role you are applying for. Taking your experiences to show these skills can be an interview game changer. 
+ Vision - 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Interviewers want to see that you are a forward thinker, that you can show initiative and embody the values behind the organisation's own vision.

We can also provide services specifically tailored to your CV and personal statement or any information you choose to release.
Confidentiality of your information is of upmost importance to us!







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