Monday, August 27, 2018

I will explain you what and where is the market right now and when it would be in the future.

I will explain you what and where is the market right now and when it would be in the future.


Both the cryptocurrency and stock market are continuously fluctuating.

Downtrends come, but more importantly, get reversed for uptrends.
Of course you could buy-in at any time and hope for the best.

Or, you could analyse the market and follow thoughts behind it, to predict an uptrend or downtrend.

The only way to know the direction of a stock/coin, is by anticipating accordingly to support and resistance levels.

My goal isn't to "quickly draw on a chart" and just submit that with price targets.
No, my goal is to provide you with a premium service.
I will carefully investigate the pair you have asked me to analyse, and will use my wide variety of knowledge to spot any bullish or bearish patterns. 

I will provide a chart and a brief statement of my results in a nicely formatted Word document.
The chart will be interactive from Tradingview; you can follow all my expectations on this chart live!

All results wil be shared privately, only with you.

You can request and desired indicators, and revisions are always possible if you wish them.







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