Sunday, June 3, 2018

I will teach you anything your capable of learning in the time frame.

I will teach you anything your capable of learning in the time frame.


js-gig-main-desc ">I will give you a live Skype crash coarse teaching you about Block-Chain technologies and Crypto-Currencies. I have been with the Crypto space since 2010 and have a lot of knowledge packed away. I'm also an I.T. Developer so I can go into detail on how alot of these technologies work and break them down for you. In most sessions I will teach you as much as your mentally capable of learning within the time frame. 

I started teaching my college professor as well as a family friend, recently and both of them have come back for multiple sessions paying me more money than I was charging in the first place just because they see the knowledge as valuable. I decided to put this service on Fiverr since they wanted to just throw money at me for this service. 

Subject matter will cover: What is a blockchain, what is a crypto currency, how they both work, Bitcoin, and other crypto currency's, how to safely store your funds and create wallets. theory on how this is good for the world & how they can benefit you.

I am not a Financial Adviser This service is for your education so you can make rational decisions on your own.

From Detroit Michigan, I speak very clear English


dfrancis36:Great experience working with this seller. Very knowledgeable.

alfthemelmacian:I enjoyed working with this client.

dfrancis36:Great experience working with this seller. Very knowledgeable.

alfthemelmacian:I enjoyed working with this client.


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