Monday, July 30, 2018

I will create an intelligent machine for you capable of learning a specific trend with three func.

I will create an intelligent machine for you capable of learning a specific trend with three func.


I am capable of implementing trading requests such as buy and sell from the terminal (Linux) command line in the form of a python script. For example I am capable of creating you a script named which you would be able to run from the command line of the terminal in the following way -
python --SYMBOL BTCUSD --QUANTITY 0.001 --PRICE 10
(in this example that short command will attempt to  buy 0.001 bitcoins with united states dollars at the price of 10$ for the entire quantity 0.001)
I am willing to build those scripts in a highly customized way -
  • You can choose the functionality you desire or need (buy/sell/ get current price/ get percentage raise in the past X days in intervals of Y minutes etc..)
  • You can choose the arguments this functionality receives (if you chose a buy option you will be able to buy at different prices/quantities/stocks to your will from just a minor change to the command line method you evoke
  • You can choose the python version to be used to ensure good compatibility with the computer you are using
A machine is an encapsulation of three different functionalities. You may buy more functionalities for your machine by buying a functionality.







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