Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I will spanish life coaching and mentoring for teens or others

I will spanish life coaching and mentoring for teens or others


js-gig-main-desc ">WHAT IS COACHING?
According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF); Coaching is a reflective and creative accompaniment with clients that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. 

De acuerdo con la International Coaching Federation (ICF); El coaching es un acompañamiento reflexivo y creativo con clientes que los inspira a maximizar su potencial personal y profesional. 

Empower young people through coaching and mentoring to transform their being and be free, happy, enterprising, committed and made according to their own identity.

Empoderar a jóvenes por medio de coaching y mentoría para que transformen su ser y sean libres, felices, emprendedores, comprometidos y realizados según su propia identidad.

See young leaders, bright, enterprising, successful, prosperous and owners of the whole world; who see in themselves the possibility of flying as high as their dreams.

Ver jóvenes líderes, brillantes, emprendedores, triunfadores, prósperos y dueños del mundo entero; que ven en sí mismos la posibilidad de volar tan alto como sus sueños.







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