Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I will offer professional advice in leadership and managemnet

I will offer professional advice in leadership and managemnet


Is anyone befuddled by the fall from grace of so many leaders? Is anyone befuddled by the choices some leaders make as if nobody is watching? OK, maybe that last one is just me.

Part of the challenge for leaders is that they are all human. And as humans, we are all flawed. That being said, what is effective leadership? Is it a title? Is it achieving goals? Is it inspiring others? Is it seeing a unique vision?

Leadership is a combination of practical skills and personal values that, when used together, create an atmosphere in which people feel valued and motivated to pursue a clear vision.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about leadership over the past 7 years, Serving as the asst. director of Kishoka NGO, The CEO of Mutach-Tech Innovation center, Ambassador to the Touch Crew International, Chairman of different endorsement initiatives and humanitarian movements, Church-based leadership and Founder of different public initiatives that focus on public sustainability.

It is for this reason that I am here to offer very affordable advice on leadership to anyone who needs to be assisted at only $10. what you have to do just hit my inbox and order my gig.







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