Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I will help you find a cpg job

I will help you find a cpg job


js-gig-main-desc ">so i have pretty extensive experience in the consumer packaged goods industry and would love to share it if anyone is interested. I've interviewed at nearly all of them at some point in my life. what im ultimately offering though is everything from the search methods, what the roles typically are (esp if in marketing), what CPG is like, what the interview process is like front to end, how to research, how to interview with them, and everything in between. this is ideal for those at director level or below all the way down to new graduates just finishing undergraduate schools aka bachelors degree. in addition to interviewing, ive also worked extensively at fortune 100 companies including my current job. i will NOT critique your resume but you can submit through my other gig if you want. i love doing it.... also im TOTALLY open to having one follow up call after your initial call with HR. whether its for the next rounds or in prep for final round. or just to bounce things off. 







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