Thursday, May 10, 2018

I will deliver career and resume advice

I will deliver career and resume advice


js-gig-main-desc ">One reason why qualified candidates don't get hired is because of their resume. 

Keep in mind that the HR manager will assess candidates from the very first impression, which happens to be your resume. Judgemental much? Then again, if a well known company receives up to 200 resumes per week, would you not do the same, in their shoes? 

During my time as the HR manager for a start up company, we received 10 - 30 resumes per week, and it was my job to screen them quickly and efficiently. I became very good at this, and started to identify what makes a resume stand about above and beyond the others in the pile.

So I'm offering my services to help you tailor make your resume to help you get that job! There is absolutely no need to miss out on a job you are highly qualified for merely due to a less than stellar resume, and I would love to assist lift it up above the others. 







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